Lingua Franca

Paul Cifuentes
Academic and scientific director at Lingua Franca

Paul Cifuentes

Our scientific and academic director is Professor Paul Cifuentes, who holds a degree on English Philology and completed a master’s degree in Philosophy, both of them from the National University of Colombia. He has over 10 years of experience in teaching language sciences, philosophy and communication at higher educational levels; he has also worked as a translator, editorial advisor, and consultant to applied social science projects as well as educational projects, both virtual and in-person.

He headed up the community newspaper El Humanista, from Engativa locality (district). During a period of six years, he led the learning processes of SENA Virtual program in Bogota. Besides, for over three years, he worked for Bogota’s Transportation Ministry as a pedagogic and technical advisor in values training and also as a teacher of security and road-safety education projects. He was a pedagogical innovation leader in the Science, Technology and Research Division of CUN (Corporación Unificada Nacional de Educación Superior). On top of it, Mr. Cifuentes has performed as a consultant and has taught drafting and translation of legal documents and legal English for law firms such as Muñoz Abogados and MPa Derecho Penal Corporativo. He has also participated in writing training in the judicial field, such as the magistrate Alberto Rojas’s office (in the Constitutional Court of Colombia). Furthermore, he has been a legal expert convened by both the parties and the Fiscalía General de la Nación in cases related to linguistic issues, v.g., identity fraud, plagiarism, testimony analysis, media statements analysis, and analysis of audio and text conversation evidence.

During the last years he has been teaching, in the National University of Colombia, legal text writing, argumentative oral production, morphosyntax of the Spanish language, and comprehension and production of texts.

Felipe Cifuentes
Linguistic and academic services coordinator

Add some nice text here.

Fanny Carrillo
Linguistic quality manager

Fanny Carrillo

Graduated in Philology and Languages from the National University of Colombia, she has worked as a teacher in the fields of oral and written communication —with a special focus on argumentative and legal texts— not only in her alma mater but also in the Central University. She has served as an editor and proofreader for both public and private entities.

She worked as an educational adviser in the field of teaching through virtual learning environments (VLE), a role that was carried out in Sena, a public educational institution in Colombia, where she led the Associate Degree in Market Management course. She has served as an instructional designer…

Karen Rivera
Linguistic and academic services coordinator

Karen Rivera

Linguist from the National University of Colombia. During her undergraduate studies she stood out as a grammar, spelling, and reading comprehension assistant in the Linguistics Department, and as a university teaching assistant in the Psychology Department. Her research approach drew attention on critical discourse analysis, field in which worked for her dissertation. Besides, she has carried out studies on visual arts in the Pedagogical University of Colombia.

In Lingua Franca, Karen has concentrated on projects in the legal sector as well as academic processes, especially those related to law studies. She has taken part as a teacher and essayist in both virtual training and in-person courses. She is also the most seasoned professional in our company.   

César Camargo
Coordinador jurídico

César Augusto Camargo Rodríguez

Abogado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, especializado en derecho contractual y derecho penal. Cuenta con una Maestría en Derecho y una Maestría en Filosofía (en revisión tesis de grado). Se ha desempeñado en áreas de derecho contractual, derecho penal y los últimos años en el área del derecho administrativo. Posee experiencia en la redacción de textos jurídicos (tema del cual ha dictado múltiples cursos) y ha sido docente en el posgrado de derecho penal de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el módulo de modelos dogmáticos de la teoría del delito. Ha sido abogado litigante y trabajado en la Corte Suprema de Justicia y Consejo de Estado, cargos en los que, respectivamente, calificó demandas de casación y proyectó sentencias.

Mariana Cantor
Profesional en servicios jurídicos

Mariana Cantor

Abogada conciliadora de la Universidad Libre; durante su pregrado, se desempeñó como auxiliar del semillero de investigación en el área de laboral colectivo de la Universidad Libre denominado: “Derechos sociales, transformaciones culturales y formación de comunidad: reconocimiento, participación e inclusión de las comunidades campesinas frente a los impactos causados por los conflictos mineros y laborales en Boyacá y Norte de Santander”. Posee experiencia en la redacción de textos jurídicos y se ha desempeñado en el área de derecho administrativo.

En Lingua Franca, ha acompañado diversos proyectos para el sector jurídico y procesos académicos relacionados con investigaciones en distintas áreas del derecho. De igual manera, ha participado en procesos desde la corrección hasta la escritura misma de los textos jurídicos revisando el marco legal y constitucional vigente.

Alejandro Rodríguez
Professional on linguistic and academic services

Alejandro Rodríguez

He is graduated on philology and languages – English from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. His teaching practice was performed in the Program of Second Language of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and he worked as a student assistant in the office of external programs of the Department of Languages in the same university. For his graduate paper, he made an internship in the Sede Caribe of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia located in the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina. During the internship he made part of an investigation project about education, language and culture.

In Lingua Franca, he has made part of diverse projects like creation and correction of materials for online language courses, translation of official and non-official documents, and transliteration of legal hearings.

Mauricio Herrera
Professional on linguistic and academic services

Mauricio Herrera

Aspirante a magíster en lingüística de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia; su propuesta investigativa aborda el proceso de adquisición de segundas lenguas (creole-español) desde el análisis de interlengua; licenciado en español y filología clásica de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, realizó su práctica docente como profesor de la asignatura Latín electivo II en esta universidad. Adelanta, junto con la profesora Kelly Johanna Vera, una investigación empírica en torno al procesamiento psicolingüístico de la lectura en latín. Su repertorio lingüístico incluye, además del español, la lengua latina, el inglés y el portugués.

Su participación en Lingua Franca se ha centrado en la traducción de documentos de diverso tipo: páginas webs, documentos oficiales, textos académicos, entre otros. Sus colaboraciones incluyen, además de lo anterior, transliteraciones de audiencias judiciales y corrección de textos legales y académicos.

Camilo Torres
Professional on linguistic and academic services

Camilo Torres

Licenciado en Español y Filología Clásica; realizó su práctica docente dictando la materia Latín electivo I. Actualmente es estudiante del programa de Derecho en esa misma universidad.

En Lingua Franca, se ha desempeñado como corrector de textos de diversa índole y, además, ha colaborado con la elaboración de contenido para cursos en línea.

Angie Novoa
Professional on linguistic and academic services

Angie Novoa

Licenciada en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana, realizó un diplomado en Corrección de estilo. Actualmente, es codirectora del proyecto editorial La Pájara Pinta, espacio en el que ha editado y corregido textos literarios. Cuenta con experiencia docente en el área de español e inglés y ha participado en programas relacionados con lectura y escritura. Se ha desempeñado por dos años consecutivos como codificadora de textos en las pruebas de Estado ICFES.

En Lingua Franca, se ha encargado de corregir y redactar diversos tipos de textos académicos (artículos científicos, tesis de maestría, entre otros) y ha apoyado diferentes procesos como el diseño de guiones para unidades didácticas en inglés, labores de transliteración, traducción de artículos científicos, análisis lingüísticos y escritura de informes de diferentes proyectos de la empresa.

Michael Reyes
Technical and administrative support assistant

Michael Reyes

He is a student on Social Communication and Journalism at the Universidad Central. He has a bride knowledge on management of social media, databases, use of office tools and online platforms, and exhibits an excellent customer service.

In Lingua Franca, he has been in charge of the management of academic contents on Online educational platforms, and the fingering and transcription of texts and documents. Also, he is in charge of the management of high volume of information databases and its compilation and tabulation through the use of office tools. Moreover, he is in charge of the maintenance of laptops and desktops and other type of equipment. Finally, he has provided support to the operation of the broadcast of online courses and certification programs of Lingua Franca.

Yobodna Quintero
Communications and graphic design manager

Yobodna Quintero

She is a Technologist on Graphic Communication graduated from the Universidad Minuto de Dios, sede Soacha. She achieved a course on Adobe After Efects at LCI Bogotá and a certification program on Human Movement and Audiovisual Formation at the Escuela Popular Audiovisual de Suacha. She has worked at Expomás as a community manager and graphic designer. In this enterprise, she was in charge of creating animations and making video editing to advertise courses on digital marketing, coaching, electronic marketing, among others. Thanks to her formation and experience, she has a lot of skills to create animations, illustrations and video editing with different styles and visions.

In Lingua Franca, she has been in charge of the creation of illustrations, animations, advertisement products and video editing. Additionally, she has made the layout of digital content and graphic products about linguistics for the social media of Lingua Franca. Moreover, she has designed graphic products about criminal law. Apart from that, she has been in charge of the design and layout of the webpage of Lingua Franca and other clients’ webpages. Finally, she has managed contents on Online educational platforms and has operated the broadcast of online courses and certification programs of Lingua Franca.

Anabel Díaz
Logistic and pedagogy manager

Anabel Díaz

She is graduated on Early Childhood Pedagogy from the Universidad Antonio José Camacho. She has a large experience on processes for the formation of the childhood, and curricular adaptations for diverse capacities and ethnicities. His graduate paper highlights for having developed, in companion with the Lingua Franca team, a primer that contains information about how to teach the dances of the Colombian pacific area.

In Lingua Franca, she in charge of the accompaniment of preschool and primary school. Moreover, she provides mentoring support to educational institutions of the previously mentioned levels of education.

“What does Lingua Franca mean?”

is the first question we get from the people who hear about us. The answer could be a simple translation or an interesting story.

The Origin of Our Name

Etymologically, the term lingua franca comes from a medieval Latin phrase which can be roughly translated as “free language” or “trade language”. Though not so obvious, the word lingua is translated as language and the word franca literally means free. However, the concept behind this two-word term does not rigorously stem from the phrase free language.

The most accepted historical hypothesis among scholars —as referred by Cyril Brosch in his 2015 paper On the Conceptual History of the Term Lingua Franca— suggests that, during the late Middle Ages, a great trade exchange between Europe, the Middle East and North Africa arose throughout the Mediterranean. Within this context, Arabs from the Eastern Mediterranean used to refer to any European as ‘Frankish’, extending by these means the name given to one of the communities who inhabited the Old World. Actually, this community was named Frankish or free for it was one of the most unyielding against domination of the Roman Empire.

Be that as it may, what can be historically proven is that a mixed language spontaneously developed and allowed for a real exchange between people from both sides of the Mediterranean. That mix was named lingua franca, after the generic appellation above referred. At that time, thus, the meaning of the term was something like “the language for exchange between Arabs and Franks (Europeans).” From then on, throughout history, any language or linguistic code which serves as a trade vehicle between many speech communities or cultures has been called lingua franca.

Latin, for instance, was the linga franca for those peoples dominated by the Roman Empire. During the European conquest of America and the Caribbean, a number of pidgins (mixed languages) developed and worked as bridge languages (linguas francas) between Europeans, Africans and local indigenous peoples. In Latin American countries where various indigenous and creole languages are spoken, Spanish is a lingua franca for many communities. Even though independence had been already attained in India, English was made the second official language due to its status as a lingua franca in the roughly 14 different speech communities. Indeed, English has played a major role over recent decades, working as a worldwide lingua franca. By being a worldwide lingua franca…

In Lingua Franca, we have decided to take this name with a twofold aim. On the one hand, we would like to keep the sense of freedom preserved in the etymology of franca; and, on the other hand, we want to highlight the concept of inclusiveness which causes its historical origin of the whole phrase. Actually, the term lingua franca reminds us the significance of language for our species and the essential social cohesion among us. The name Lingua Franca, thus, seeks to capture the role of freedom, inclusiveness and fundamentality related to language phenomena in human life.

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